Gathering Point Community Council, Not-For-Profit Corporation, is organized to proved support to communities and resources to collect and distribute information that serves the interest of the community; to promote community cooperation; and other neighborhood organizations to protect. Preserve, and enhance the growth and development of the community and to conduct any lawful business and engage in any lawful act or activity consistent with Federal and State Law, including the Illinois Non-Profit Corporation Act and such other laws governing not-for-profit of this organization is to help women realize their worth, provide structure and spiritual education, housing and mentoring. Helping women and men re-enter society and or marriages, broken homes, etc.
We provide relevant networking, services and information to communities.
We are the number one resource for community safety.
Values & Principles
Philanthropy - We value those who are givers and we perform selfless acts of kindness and generosity to increase the value of our community while encouraging others to do the same.
Networking - We are ALL capable of making the world a better place and we work diligently to connect community to stimulate positive change.
For Membership Application
Call 773-260-0260 and leave your name, contact number, and email address. Or click below to request an application via email.